Monday, February 8, 2010

Discovering Oneself

I've been dating this guy, for awhile now and to my great suprise and enjoyment have fallen head ove heals for him :] It amazes me how fast its happened and I'm even more delighted that he is, or claims to be, even more so in love with me. Hard to imagine how that is possible but i let him think so....
One of the very many things that i adore about him is that he makes me think. He truely cares about what i think and want out of life, and I have learned something about myself because of this. I have never done this for myself, I've never actually sat down and thought about the things that I desire and wish to achieve. And sadly I am compelled to believe that I am no alone. So many people never think about what makes them happy, they never dig deep enough into themselves to discover what they are meant to do. They go through life riding on "I don't knows" and basing their desicions on the opinions of others. All my life I have glided by, basing very important desicions on the input of my parents and my friends.
I think that if people sat down and really thought about what they like and what they enjoy doing and did it instead of letting their childhood hopes and dreams fade, we would have a much higher percentage of happiness in the world. Its sad to know that I had to be forced to discover this and that many people never do, but i am forever thankful to my Love for helping me discover myself. . .

Sunday, February 7, 2010

my first blog =)

omg! this is my first blog, and i'm kinda excited. lol